Elgar Park, Box Hill North Vic 3129. We're super excited to playing on great grounds under new lights! We play on the south east oval (nearest Elgar road).
Thursday nights warm up starting at 7:15pm, game at 7:30pm. Bring along a light and dark shirt. We play for about 90 minutes with a break halfway. See the Facebook page for confirmation any given week.
We're cheap, first night is free, $7 casual per night, or $50 a season (about 12 weeks).
Cash will be accepted or you can pay online.
The Bank details are: Bendigo Bank
Account Name: Eastern Ultimate
BSB: 633000
Acc: 160401519
Leave your full name as a reference.
For more information about the rules visit WFDF
Discs can be bought on the night for $15
We've got dark and light shirts. They are $40 each with name and number or $30 with just the front eastern logo. We order once in a while when there's enough interest so please let us know if you want one.